Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Good Morning and Bon Jour!  Although our sojourn in France has been exciting and wonderful , this computer and blogging work has not!   Finding connectivity, logging on, downloading, YIKES!

It has been almost a week since arrival, so I'll update on our excursions.  Upon arrival at the Paris airport, we picked up a car and attempted to drive to the north.  Our first misadventure involved a car in which the air conditioning did not work.   That lasted two trips around the airport and we realized we couldn't survive the 90 degree temps.  Back to the car rental.  We were provided with another (larger) car, working air conditioning, and we were off again.   Turn on that new I-phone with the GPS!   We thought it would be fun and easy.   Not so! We couldn't seem to  keep a signal, were overwhelmed by what seemed to be thousands of conflicting road signs, and then a message that we had just used 500.00 worth of data/roaming charges.   Off went the I-phone!!

With luck and that special protection afforded "little old ladies and children" that my mother often talks about, we made it out of town and into the countryside.  Our goal was to spend some time in Giverny before driving on to Rouen for the night.  Our luck was changing.  We arrived in the afternoon while the garden was full of people.   However, as soon as the clock struck 4:00, the tour busses pulled out and we were nearly alone with the beautiful plants, birds, water, flowers.  This place is obviously tended lovingly by many gardeners.  I wonder what Claude would think of it now.  Take a look at the water lilies and the Japanese bridge in the background.  Enjoy the peace and serenity!


  1. One place in France I have yet to visit! I would LOVE to go there!! :)

    Catching up on your blog tonight!

